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Writer's pictureIndi Carlton

Dreaming A New World Into Being

Why am I doing the work I'm doing?

This is something I ask myself all the time. If you were in my head you'd be exhausted. It's a constant state of reflecting, questioning, pondering, analyzing, and wondering in there. But I don't know any different, it's how I came wired up. Fortunately I've also been able to work with ~ and tame ~ the part of my head that is a TERRIFIC critic in this regard. Ugh. But put anything in front of me and I'll wonder why it's so, or how it could be better, or how it connects to other things.

This is my normal everyday state of being.

Like I said, exhausting. But, also, it gives me a lot of energy and inspires me, and keeps me eternally curious about life and why we're here.

So when I think about why I want to offer folks the chance to be more creative in life it's built on that foundation. I see ~ and feel ~ the shortcomings of the current way that humans are doing life. I don't think it takes much these days for all of us to tune into that. But what I do see ~ and have seen for far too long ~ is that folks don't realize it doesn't have to be that way. We can question how things are done and do it differently!

Now many people are just too plain worn out from trying to just get through the day let alone have any energy left over to question and the transform the way life is. I get this one hundred percent. But that's also part of the problem of how life is for most of us right now, the actual way life is going is purposefully designed to keep you too tired to question it. This overwhelming way of life does benefit a handful of folks and they know it, and don't want you questioning it. Hello capitalism.

I however came onto this planet already wired up questioning it all. I questioned the religion I was raised in. I questioned the politics of my parents. I questioned war. I questioned what and why I was learning what I was learning in school. I knew from a young age ~ thanks to being raised in multi-cultural Los Angeles ~ that English was only one way to communicate. So of course I was drawn to living and working in other countries. It's no wonder I went back to school to study anthropology. But even there, I was drawn to a school where the very foundations of anthropology were questioned and challenged (time to address colonialism folks). I've always been so curious about all the different ways humans do life. But I've also been a critic of many of the ways we do life.

WHY do we even do some of the things we do?

Everything we do as humans is a choice. Every law we've created, every institution that exists, every cultural practice we follow, every border that's ever been drawn, every societal norm has been shaped and formed by humans.

And so that means they can be changed.

Because let's face it, many of those choices do not benefit and actually ~ intentionally ~ harm others. A lot of others. And I am firmly in the camp that what affects one, affects all. When one of us suffers, we all suffer.

Another take away from all that curiosity and questioning is realizing that every single thing is connected to something else.

Fortunately, I also have this other side of me to balance all that out. I am passionate not only about questioning the way things are done, I also am quite the visionary and can imagine a world so different than the one we have now. One where we are way more conscientious and intentional about the choices we make. One where we choose compassion, kindness, caring for others, joy, playfulness, and living to live, not living to work (which is not universal by the way, but is hard-wired into the American culture ~ and by American I mean the United States specifically, not Latin America, but I digress).

I love being an artist. I can spend hours getting lost in my creative process. I could disappear into my studio for days at a time. For the rest of my life!

But something pulls on me to do more than that. To speak out against the injustices and fallacies of this world. To put all this pondering and reflecting and questioning to use. And to offer a different way. I'm called to be part of the solution not just be a mouthpiece for the woes of the world.

And I'm super passionate about this.

Do I have the best solution? No, of course not. There are a million ways we can change the tides here on this big blue marble. I am but one of many seeking to do this. And do I question the way I'm doing that, what I'm offering as an alternative? You betcha I do. All. The. Friggin. Time. That constant questioning also applies to my own life and the way I do things. Remember, it's exhausting to be in my head!

So the very nature of what I'm offering up to folks, as I work diligently over here creating my first every online course, is to have you question things. To question the way you do you. To reflect. To wonder. To ponder. To get introspective about you and about your life. I want folks to realize there IS a choice. That we can step back and question how things are and then see ~ and intentionally choose ~ a different path. A way more colorful, exciting, joyful, meaningful, and loving path.

I want every single one of us to have a creative outlet, to be able to tap into our best selves, to have connection and meaningfulness as the foundation of our life.

I want to scream it loud, shake people up from their slumber, to have all of us questioning the way we do life so we can do life better, much better. One that benefits us all.

Every. Single. One. Of. Us.

And that's why I'm doing the work I'm doing. I'm actively, intentionally, dreaming a new way of being into the fabric of this life.

And it's way more fun with others, I hope you'll join me.


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I love your posts. I too have an exasperatingly busy brain. I love what you do with yours

Aug 22, 2024
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It's mutual Lynna! Love your busy brain and all that you create!

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