Indi Carlton
1 day ago4 min
It takes time, perspective, and a little distance too, to appreciate the gifts and talents we have, to not take for granted the things that
Indi Carlton
May 138 min
On Being an Artist
It took me a long time before I ever called myself an artist.
Indi Carlton
Mar 255 min
Last week was a DOOZY of a week. There were serious breakthroughs. And I blame it all on intuitive painting. I'm currently taking an...
Indi Carlton
Mar 184 min
A Mural!
Hello Good Friends! I did it! A whole week of painting! Recently I was honored to be asked to come up with a mural concept for our local...
Indi Carlton
Jan 13 min
Happy New Year!
Hello friends, welcome to my blog! Many moons ago, back in the early aughts or noughts (those first handful of years when the new...